Can I bring food and or drinks into the Library?


During the COVID pandemic, no food or drinks are allowed in the Library. This policy is in place to ensure that everyone keeps their nose and mouth covered while inside the Library.

When the pandemic guidelines change and we no longer need to wear masks around one another, the food and drink policy will revert to the one posted below.

You can have food and or drinks with you on the 1st floor.

Drinks in lidded containers are allowed on the 2nd-4th floor floors.

Specialized areas on the 4th floor prohibit both food and drink. These areas include the Louisiana and Special Collections Reading room and the Digital Animation Studio in room 430.

A rule of thumb to follow in the Library is NO FOOD ALLOWED ABOVE THE 1ST FLOOR!

The Library's food and drink policy is located here:

  • Last Updated Nov 17, 2021
  • Views 99
  • Answered By Lora Amsberryaugier

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